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Bei einigen Modellen wurde die Verwendung der Farben gepflegt. Diese werden hier nach Ländern und Epochen gelistet.


Betreiberland Betriebsaera Modell Farben Bild
Österreich-Ungarn Pre1914 kuk Marine Bis 1900/1902 Victorian Style: schwarzer Rumpf, weiße Aufbauten, gelbe Schornsteine
1902-1913 'Montecoccolin': Olivgrün über alles. Die Farbe wurde für alle sichtbaren Teile des Schiffs verwendet: Rumpf, Stahldecks, Masten, Brücken, Aufbauten, Dampf- und Motorbarkassen und Segel. Die großen Beiboote wurden innen mit einem dunkelgrün gestrichen, die kleinen Beiboote waren innen weiß. Anker und Ketten waren aus blankem Stahl, der mit Leinöl geschützt wurde. Die Rettungsringe waren bis 1910 weiß, danach weiß-rot-weiß.
Quelle: (1162)(1163)
Modell SMS Erzherzog Karl auf Modellversium siehe
Österreich-Ungarn Jahr(1885-1905) kuk Marine War Times Journal Peacetime: As with other European fleets, a Black hull with White or Silver Grey (883) upperworks and funnels. Unlike the rest of the upperworks and funnels, the ventilators, gun barrels and masts were commonly painted black like the hull. Turret tops seemed to be dark grey. Wartime: Reported by Jane's as being Sea Green. The best combination for this seems to be a 1:1 mixture of Medium Sea Grey (870) and Grey Green (866), although straight Grey Green also works while giving a greener but darker appearance.
Österreich-Ungarn WkI kuk Marine 1913 'Hausian' mit SMS Radetzky getestet und dann komplett übernommen: helles Blaugrau.
Ausgenommen Oberseiten der Geschützturme, alle Dachflächen, Stahldecks und die Schornsteinkränze – diese wurden dunkelgrau lackiert. Beiboote auch hellblaugrau, einige schwarzer Unterwasseranstrich der Beiboote. Ab 1914 wurden Suchlichter, der Fockmast oberhalb der Schornsteinkränze, die Schornsteinkränze und der Hauptmast oberhalb der Suchlichtplattform schwarz gestrichen. 1916/17 wurde der Fockmast und der Hauptmast über der unteren Rah hellgrau gestrichen. Alle Poller wurden dunkelgrau lackiert.
Der Wasserpass rosa, nach März 1915 dunkelgrau. Unterwasser roter Rostschutz grundiert und danach Kupfergrün bestrichen. Im Verlauf des Krieges graue Schutzfarbe
SANKT GEORG und mglw. auch die ERZHERZOG FERDINAND MAX, die ERZHERZOG FRIEDRICH und die ERZHERZOG KARL hatten hellgraue Linoleumdecks, alle anderen Holzdecks
Quelle: (1162)
China Jahr(-200-heute) Asian Wooden Sailing Vessels (I) Revell Purpur 331, Braun
China Jahr(1885-1905) China War Times Journal Peacetime: Black hull with white upperworks and ochre funnels. Wartime: Same hull color with the white and ochre painted over with neutral grey (992)
China Afterwar PLA 054A++ Jiangkai II 576 Daqing hellgrau 76, mittelgrau 57, blaugrau
Deutsch Pre1914 WkI SMS Emden Zitat von Facebook Joseph Lavender 17.07.2022 in der privaten Gruppe Warships of WW1: Emden, a bit of a specialty of mine. The bow and stern decks, as well as the deck above the bridge, the bridge wings, exposed stair treads, flying deck, the deck where the funnels and the compass platform were linoleum, held down with 2inch brass tack strips. The searchlight platforms were bare steel with tread painted dark grey. The main deck was planked with teak. Also the deck below the guns on the extreme ends were teak. Since the two ships, Emden and Dresden used different propulsion plants, the deck arrangement on Dresden was different from Emden. The coaling chutes are in different positions on both ships, and Dresden has a slightly different steam pipe arrangement on the funnels. The spare propeller blades were carried on the main deck for both ships.
After the declaration of war was received, most flammable items were chucked over the side. The crew followed the orders a little too literally, however, and all of the officer’s wardroom furniture was chucked, including their wood chairs. This was a bit of an issue because the officers had nowhere to sit. It was noted that next time, a little more common sense should be exercised. However, the linoleum and wood decks remain in place.
As for paint schemes, it’s often assumed she was painted in the white and buff colonial service scheme, but that was LONG gone by 1914. In fact the the buff scheme was ordered to be painted out in May 1910, being replaced with Scheme 9, the two tone grey scheme. It is believed by some that Emden was painted in a single tone scheme prior to the raiding mission. Both Mücke and Müller mention a repainting but sadly they don’t state if they used the scheme 9 standard, or something monotone in order to pass as a Royal Navy ship as she did later on. It’s a little confusing, and photos of the wreck are no help.(1698)
Deutsch Jahr(1885-1905) Deutsch War Times Journal Peacetime: In European waters the hull can be one of several possible schemes: Medium Sea Grey hull (870) with Silver Grey upperworks (883), or silver grey all over. Also, Silver Grey hull with White upperworks would be another possibility. Other variations seem to have included white turrets (on the Brandenburgs) and dark grey turret tops on the newer battleships. For tropical service cruisers would have their hulls white with upperworks painted Ochre (913). Unknown how their battleships were painted for tropical service, which would apply only to the Brandenburgs. Wartime: Unknown, probably Silver Grey (883) all over, which is what we use. An extra note on German battleships, aerial photos indicate that their decks were noticeable darker, so a medium brown or tan-earth would probably be more accurate than using the light deck tan typical on other ships.
Deutsch Wk2 Sperrbrecher 13 Minerva 1943 Deck blaugrau 79, holz392
Rumpf weiß, hellblau 49, Lifecolor US Navy Blue 5N UA626, schwarz
Deutsch Wk2 U-Boote Siehe pdf in
Deutsch Wk2 Für die Klasse: Afterwar Z37 Revell Grau 57|Revell 78|Revell 79
Deutsch Wk2 Afterwar Torpedos Kopf: Schwarzgrau bzw. Schwarz bei Gefechtskopf, rot/weiss längsgestreift bei Übungskopf

metallisch blank bei Rohrabschuss
hellgrau bei Aussenmontage und bei oft verwendeten Übungstorpedos
hellgrau auch bei U-Booten/Schnellbooten ab 42

Heck: metallisch blank oder hellgrau/mittelgrau

Ruder grau

Schrauben: messing/bronzefarben, später dann edelstahlfarben oder grau gestrichen.

Bunte Körper sind Nachkriegsvarianten, z.B. Blaue Ü-Torpedos bei der Bundesmarine, Dunkelgrün in Norwegen und DK.
Deutsch Jahr(1985-1990,1991-1996,1997-heute) Tarantul I 1241RE Hiddensee Hellgrau Revell 76 Deck Farngrün 360
Finnland Jahr(1918-heute) Finnish camos over the time Aufsatz des, further info from FB group 'Warship Camouflage Research Group' on Ilmarinen 1941 (though different, the following more trustful?): Light gray, black, dull graygreen and dull brownish gray. Exact hues unknown, and: Brown gray and geengray are quite close to each other. Dark slate gray and dulled German brownviolet probably close matches.
Thanks to Jari, Viktor who helped me on that!
Finnland Interwar Wk2 Afterwar Ilmarinen 1941 Light gray=Revell hellgrau 76, black=Revell Anthrazit 09, dull graygreen=Revell graugrün 67 and dull brownish gray=Revell 50/50 gelboliv 42,braun 381
Frankreich Jahr(1885-1905) Frankreich War Times Journal Peacetime: Hull is black with upperworks and funnels either silver grey (883) or ochre (913). Boundaries between hull and upperworks colors tended to vary widely, some placed very high on the ship at spar deck edge, and some lower at main deck edge.. Best to find photos of actual ships. Wartime: Unknown, probably a Dark Sea Grey (991) or Medium Sea Grey (870) all over. Some sources quote French ships having a distinctly greenish grey, which is supported by some builder's models still in existence.
Frankreich Wk2 Frankreich Marine wk2 Zitat Antwort Aryeh Wetherhorn:
the Atlantic raiding squadron used a darker shade of grey, and reverted to grey number 1 (the French designation for light grey) after the armistice. Decks were wood.
Recognition and heraldry marks were also very interesting. Tricolors were painted on turrets and gun shields, always with blue towards the bow. Most ships carried the tricolor on turrets B and X, but the 2 cruisers in the Far East painted it on all 4 turrets. Destroyers followed the same system,but there were variations. The torpedo boat division in Bizerte painted stripes on the forecastle similar to those used by the Italian fleet. Destroyer hull numbers were built around a division number (e.g. X!0 or T5) with the addition of a sequence number based on the seniority of the captain within each division. The hull numbers were red, but each division also carried colored bands on a funnel according to the division number. Cruisers also used funnel bands to indicate their position within each cruiser division. The senior ship usually had no bands, but the next two carried one or two bands, again, according to seniority. The colors of the bands were standard. Cruiser division 1 used white, 2 black, 3 yellow. 4 green and 5 red. Destroyers had more division and so they also used blue, and had one or two bands depending upon division numbers. Some ships also put a tricolor on the sides of a deckhouse. A few submarines painted a tricolor on the sail (conning tower) and one carried the tricolor across the saddle tanks down to the waterline.
Credit: (1161)
GB Jahr(1885-1905) GB War Times Journal Peacetime: Black hull with white upperworks and turrets and ochre funnels and masts. Great Britain appears to have adopted overall grey peacetime colors very early (maybe by 1903 or so). The black hull often had a narrow white band just below its upper edge, all the way around the ship. Sometimes (rarely, seen once on HMS Nile) the black was carried up onto the upperworks as high as the edge of the spar deck, making the turrets black instead of white. Ships on tropical station would usually have white hull with white or ochre upperworks and ochre funnels. Wartime: Dark Sea Grey (991) all over (except maybe lifeboats, which can still be painted white with brown wash on top).
GB WkI GB Destroyer May 6, 1915 Destroyers were to be painted dead black.
On June 4, 1915 Destroyers to remain dead black but masts to become a very light grey.
On July 7, 1916 all torpedo craft hitherto black to be painted grey. Hull 1 part black to 20 parts white (by weight), upper works to use mixture 1 part black to 23 parts white.(1166)
GB WkI Für die Klasse: Interwar Wk2 HMS Shakespeare Deck Braun Revell 381, sonst hellgrau Revell 76
GB Jahr(1920-1941) HMS Hood after refit 1940 507A - Dark Grey, Home Fleet shade
GB Jahr(1930) County cruisers China Station, East Indies Station Von Autor Jamie Duff in Facebook: China Station never wore white and buff anyway ... - that was a myth started sometime around the 1970s. It was white hull with 507B grey upperworks. East Indies Station used white overall except for primrose yellow masts and funnels - that's what the original 1960s Airfix box art portrays.
GB Jahr(1930-1941) British Aircraft Carriers 30s, early 40s Deck Colour Bronze Grey
GB Afterwar HMS Ajax F114 Ikara Deck Revell Seegrün 48
Italien Jahr(1885-1905) Italien War Times Journal Peacetime: Typically a Black hull with White or Silver Grey (883) upperworks. The transition between black and white could be along the edge of the main deck, or sometimes down the middle of the amidships bulwarks/casemates. The funnels and masts were commonly painted ochre, and in some cases - such as vessels like Italia or Andrea Doria - the lower half of the funnels would be white and the upper half would be ochre. In vessels with superheavy guns, the gun barrels were sometimes painted black or dark grey. Wartime: Unknown, probably Dark Sea Grey (991) all over.
Italien Jahr(1913-1944) Indomito 1913 Revell blaugrau
Japan Jahr(1885-1905) Japan War Times Journal Peacetime: Black hull, funnels and ventilators with white upperworks and turrets. Masts would be black or have black bases and ochre tops. One to three white I.D. bands around upper 1/3 of funnels. Wartime: Neutral grey (992) all over with top 20% of funnel black. Some larger vessels had their mast tops painted black down to a point even with the black funnel bands.
Japan Interwar Wk2 Notoro IJN Seaplane Tender Rumpf blaugrau Revell 79, Deck Revell Holzbraun 382, Bambusverdeck des Hangars Beige
Japan Afterwar Chikyu Deep Sea Drilling Ultramarin 51 (water pass), Laubgrün 364 (Deck), weiß
Kolumbien Jahr(1983-heute) Almirante Padilla FS 1500 hellgrau, blaugrau
Rumänien Wk2 Afterwar Für die Klasse: Interwar Wk2 Regele Ferdinand Deck Holzbraun Revell 381 + washing, sonst sehr helles grau Revell 371
SU Jahr(1885-1905) SU War Times Journal Peacetime: Most ships had white hulls with ochre funnels and a black band around the top 25% of each funnel. Wartime: The Baltic Fleet – including those ships which sailed to Tsushima – had black hulls with ochre funnels and a black band around the top 25% of each funnel.
Early War Port Arthur fleet cinnamon as a low quality black painted over peacetime colors. One part chocolat, one part black gray.
Late war Port Arthur fleet 2-tone khaki upperworks and olive-drab hull. For smaller cruisers khaki overall
Wladiwostok cruisers olive-drab overall
SU WkI Interwar Wk2 Für die Klasse: Afterwar Krasnaya Abkhasia Revell Grau 57
SU Afterwar Moskva 2022 Deck Revell 50% Feuerrot 330, 50% Rost 83, sonst Hellgrau 76
SU Afterwar Petr Velikiy 1994 (Pjotr Weliki, Peter der Große) Deckrot 50% holzbraun 382 50% Ziegelrot 37
mglw Deck Umsetzung in rostrot
SU Afterwar OSA II hellgrau, deck rostrot
Spanien Jahr(1885-1905) Spanien War Times Journal Peacetime: Most ships had a black hull with white upperworks (superstructure) and ochre funnels. Some light vessels were seen to have all white hulls and upperworks with ochre funnels.
Türkei Pre1914 WkI Interwar Wk2 Afterwar Jahr(1913-heute) Nusret Pale khaki
Türkei WkI SMS Weissenburg (1894) / türk. Torgud Reis, SMS Weissenburg (1894) / türk. Torgud Reis Khakibraun 86
USA Jahr(1885-1905) USA War Times Journal During peacetime US ships tended to have white hulls with ochre upperworks and funnels. The boundary between the white and ochre was different in different ships, and often passed horizontally across major features, especially gun turrets. So that the top half of a turret might be painted ochre and the bottom half painted white, especially in the lower aft turrets. Gun barrels often painted black. During war time they were painted Medium Sea Grey (870) all over (except maybe lifeboats, which can still be painted white with brown wash on top).
USA Jahr(1889-1899) USS Charleston C2 Rumpf und Schutzschilde weiß, Geschütze schwarz, Schornsteine, Lüfter, Mastern ocker
USA WkI Interwar Wk2 Jahr(1917-1945) USS Allen DD-66 weiß, himmelblau 59, Lifecolor Navy Blue, schwarz
USA Jahr(1918) US Destroyers 1918 On my question after the colour of US Destroyers end of WWI (specifically USS Allen DD-66), Aryeh Wetherhorn answered:
This pattern, or close variants of it, was used on several US destroyers. Early admiralty designs for US destroyers used a variety of colors, including pink, mauve, buff, yellow, and others. The US adaptation of this design called for only Black, White, #3 Blue, and #2 Blue-grey. Later Admiralty designs often followed the US choice of colors. There appears to have been good communication between the offices on opposite sides of the Atlantic. The British objected to pure white, and the Americans then substituted a toned down color called Grey-White. At the same time, the Admiralty dropped some of their brighter colors in favor of the the American basic 4 color palette. but that, too was subject occasional, or even frequent, additions or substitutions. I think you could use the basic US colors without feeling you were going too far afield.
USA Wk2 USS Crossbill AMc-9 1941 Offiziell alle US Aux Measure 14 ab 1942: vertikal Ocean Gray, Horizontal Deck Blue, Masten etc oiberhalb der Aufbauten Haze Gray. Allerdings auf den Bildern von Amc-9 eindeutig heller, daher vertikal komplett in hellgrau bemalt
USA Wk2 USA generell siehe Speziell:
Life Rafts wurden auf dem Schiff in Hintergrundfarbe gestrichen, also z.Bsp. auf horizontalen Flächen liegend Deck Blue.
USA Wk2 Afterwar USS Chicago CG-11 ex CA-136 hellgrau, blaugrau, karminrot 36
USA Wk2 Afterwar USS Intrepid CV-11 w/ angle deck 1972 Hellgrau, Staubgrau 77, Panzergrau 78 und sehr viele Mischungen sowie Pigmente
USA Wk2 Afterwar USS Gearing FRAM, USS Robert E. Peary ( FF-1073 ) hellgrau, blaugrau
USA Jahr(1941) USA BB in Pearl Harbour 7.12.41 California MS-1 no question.
Nevada painting out of MS-1/5 as time allows.
Maryland MS-12 pattern in old colors, 5-D hull, older very dark 5-O upperworks, 5-L tops.
Oklahoma unknown for attack day but had been in MS-1/5 as late as October 1941.
Tennessee probably MS-1A substituting 5-S for 5-D, painted by Ships Force with no 5-H interlayer.
West Virginia painting out of MS-1, hull was 5-D, upperworks a patchwork of colors consistent with fleet order allowing vessel COs to use the newer paints in various combinations on the upperworks until the next yard period. When raised she does show zinc chromate and red lead patches, again in compliance with fleet orders to only use ZC and red lead for corrosion control until repairs completed in drydock.
Pennsylvania probably MS-1.
Arizona one high quality B&W film shot the afternoon of Dec. 7 show her aft turrets and hull to be too light for 5-D, this film starts at AZ's stern and continues down the battleline to CA, shot from a small boat, 35mm. One snippet of color film shot from a small boat within a day or two of the attacks shows her aft turrets and hull to be blue. I am not hazarding a guess as to which blue as it is light enough to be the darkest 5-S on the Snyder & Short chip set but could also be 5-N.
Fleet orders to be aware of for the time period:
For graded schemes defined in SHIPS-2 Rev.1 5-L to be used in lieu of 5-H for light structures and pole masts until stocks depleted or sufficient 5-H available.
When repainting from darker schemes such as MS-1 or MS-4 YARD FORCE must use 5-H interlayer to prevent bleed through of darker paints. SHIPS FORCE not required to use 5-H interlayer, COs discretion depending on stocks available.
Modified MS-2 called for hulls to remain 5-D (previous fleet order to ships to retain only enough 5-D for one complete repaint of the HULL only) with the upperworks to be repainted as needed into the new colors at the CO's discretion.
All ships sitting on the bottom to only use zinc chromate or red lead for corrosion control purposes until raised and repaired in drydock. Use of camouflage paints specifically forbidden.
Credits: Roland Thompson, Researcher. In a statement in Camouflage Group in Facebook
USA Jahr(1943) USA Light grey deck ,deck and bulkheads ,Overhead white or pee green for interior spaces except Galley white. Hanger deck , light grey deck bulkheads, elevator and overhead, dark grey deck. Engineering spaces, light grey deck on deck and white bulkheads and overhead. Some ships used catchup color on deck of the Galley and deck of engineering spaces. A lot of it depends on the the skippers whim.(1165)
USA Jahr(1985-1990,1991-1996,1997-heute) Tarantul I 1241RE Hiddensee Hellgrau Revell 76 Deck Farngrün 360


Betreiberland Betriebsaera Modell Farben Bild
Ägypten Afterwar SA-12A Gladiator/Giant (S-300V 9K81 Antey-300) Bronzegrün 65, Hellgrau 371, Holzbraun 382
Angola Jahr(1955-?) P-12 Radar auf Zil-157 Revell Bronzegrün, Plane Hellolive 45
Armenien Afterwar AZP S-60 on MT-LB (SAU-57M) Afrikabraun 117, Granitgrau 69 (schwarzgrün), Braun 381
Belgien Wk2 Vickers T13B2 Revell 46 Nato-Oliv
Bulgarien Afterwar PzKpfw IV J SU-76 Olivgrün Revell 361
China Afterwar ZTD-05 Bronzegrün, Lichtblau/Weiß 50/50, Ultramarinblau 51, Anthrazit
China Afterwar ZBL-09 (Snow Leopard ?) Revell Afrikabraun, Bronzegrün, schwarz
China Jahr(2014-heute) AFT-10 with HJ-10 Red Arrow 10 Revell Afrikabraun, Bronzegrün, schwarzgrün (Granitgrau 69)
Deutsch Wk2 Neubaufahrzeug Nr.2 1945 mit Kugelblitz Dunkelgelb-Mischung, Revell Olivgrün 361, Lifecolor Schokobraun
Deutsch Wk2 Panther Skorpion (Rh) Revell Blaugrau 79, Schwarz, Lindgrün
Deutsch Wk2 Film zu Dt. Panzer Dunkelgelb und RAL-System
Inbesondere Wehrmacht Heeresmitteilung Nr. 315 vom März 1942 regelt ab dem 25.03.1942 die Verwendung der neuen Farbtöne RAL 7027 Sandgrau und RAL 8020 Sandgelb für Wehrmachtsfahrzeuge die in Afrika eingesetzt werden. (Dies kann man auch als Sand und Sandbeige sehen). Im Film werden Originalbilder und Museumsexemplar des Tiger 131 gezeigt.

Dunkelgelb aus Revell: je 50% 89 beige und 12 gelb.

Laut Revell Bauanleitung Panther: Olivgrün 361, (50% Ocker 88, 50% Schilfgrün 362), Ziegelrot 37
Laut Revell Bauanleitung Jagdpanther: Sand 16, Ziegelrot 37, Seegrün 48
Laut Revell Bauanleitung Königstiger: Sand 16, Braun 85, Seegrün 48
Deutsch Wk2 Deutsche Panzer Details Feuerlöscher außen: Schwarz mit gelbem Schild oder hellgrau mit schwarzem Schild, ab 43-45 Ocker mit gelbem Schild
Deutsch Wk2 Panther / Tiger / Königstiger Siehe Rodrigo Hernandez Cabos: Panzer Aces Profiles II.

Darunter auch der "Streifenpanther", genannt Müncheberg-Panther, was inhaltlich falsch ist. Sie gehörten der I./PzRgt "Brandenburg" an, welches ab Januar 1945 der Pz.Gren.Div. "Kurmark" unterstellt war und an der Oder-Front bei Küstrin kämpfte.(1160)
Deutsch Afterwar Flak Rheinmetall 20mm, Jagdpanzer Kanone 90mm, Unimog U1300 4x4 Revell 42 Gelboliv
Deutsch Afterwar Dingo 1 ATF 2005 ISAF Afghanistan, Wiesel 1 Mk.20, Wiesel 2 Ozelot (LeFlaSys), Keiler Minenräumpanzer Revell Bronzegrün, Lederbraun, Anthrazit
Deutsch Afterwar T-55 AM NVA Bronzegrün
Deutsch Afterwar M42 Duster Revell Arfika 17, Braun 361, Anthrazit
Deutsch Afterwar NVA Chlorbuna Grün / Olivegrün RAL 6003 Grundanstrich ab ca. 1960 = Revell Grün 67 (oder Revell Olivgün Seidenmatt 361)
Dämmergrau für Verzerrungsanstrich ab 1988 = Revell Grau 57
Schwarzgrau für Verzerrungsanstrich ab 1988 = Revell Panzergrau oder dunkler?
Schwarz für Fahrwerk, Rahmen, Motoren
Gute Quelle
Deutsch Afterwar Jahr(1985) Bundeswehr Flecktarn neu Bronzegrün (RAL 6031, Revell 65) bildet die Grundfarbe. Teerschwarz (RAL 9021, Revell 06) und Lederbraun (RAL 8027, Revell 84)(1159)
Frankreich Jahr(1936-1940) Renault ZT3 3- or 4-tone camouflage. It was generally brush-painted in fairly large rounded shapes, which were separated by a blurry edge painted in black. The four colors used were olive green and Terre de Sienne (brown) for the darker colors, and ochre (in practice yellow) and vert d’eau"(watery green, imagined to be a lighter green color) for lighter colors.(1699)
Beispiel in (1700)
Revell Olivgrün 361, Afrikabraun 117
GB Interwar Wk2 Cruiser Mk I A9CS Khakigrün aus Revell Revell beige 89|Revell Himmelblau 59|Revell Bronzegrün 65
GB Interwar Wk2 Cruiser Mk I A9 Revell beige 89|Revell Himmelblau 59|Revell Bronzegrün 65
Aufsatz James Brown Painting Caunter: (1701)
Irak Jahr(1991) T-55 Enigma AK Dunkelgelb, Revell Afrikabraun, Revell Beige. Weitere Schattierung Revell Khakigrün, Revell Rostrot, Revell Lederbraun, Pigmente aus Jax-Kreide Orange, Schwarz. Kettenmischung Panzergrau, Schwarz, Eisen, Braun
Israel Afterwar M113 IDF Meshupar 1982 Revell Erde 87, mit beige übernebelt
Israel Afterwar TCM-20 Hatzerim on Halftrack Revell helloliv 45 (RLM02)
Israel Afterwar Merkava IIID Sinaigrau aus Revell Sand und Graugrün gemischt. Dann von unten her erst mit Sand und schliesslich beige übernebelt
Italien Wk2 Italienische Panzer und Fahrzeuge Grigio-Verde chiaro = khakibraun Revell 86, Grigio-verde scuro = graugrün Revell, Rosso rugine = rostrot bis rotbraun/schokobraun, Verde scuro = bronzegrün, Giallo Sabbia chiaro = dunkelgelb, Giallo Sabbia scuro = Sand
Italien Jahr(1939-1946) Fiat Trattori 40 Boghetto Revell khakibraun 86
Japan Jahr(1934) Type 95 Heavy Tank Revell 86 Khaki, Gelb, Schwarz, Lifecolor UA 647 IJN Linoleum Deck (Braun)
Japan Wk2 Su-Ki Toyota Amphibious Truck Revell 82 Dark Earth
Japan Wk2 Japan IJA Gute Quelle
Kuba Afterwar BTR-100 Cuba / BTR-60 100mm Revell Bronzegrün, Lederbraun, Helloliv 45
Libanon Afterwar Libanon: Jahr(2013-heute) ZU-23-2 on M113 Bronzegrün, Braun, Dunkelgelb
Naher Osten Afterwar Naher Osten und
Neuseeland Afterwar Scorpion FV101 (Neuseeland) Sand, Pink, Weiß, Schwarzgrün
Pakistan Afterwar Al Qaswa Lifecolor UA 626 US Navy Blur 5N, Dunkelgelb Mischung, dunkelgrüm
Pakistan Afterwar Saad (Talha) Dunkelgelb-Mischung, Revell ultramarin 51, schwarz
Polen Interwar Wk2 TKS 20 mm Rostrot, Sand, Graugrün 67
Rumänien Afterwar BRDM-2 9P148 Konkurs w/ 5 9M113 AT-5 Spandrel or 9M111 Fagot AT-4 Spigot Revell Sandbraun, Purpur 331, Granitgrau 69
Südafrika Afterwar Rooikat, Rhino G6 Revell Afrikabraun 17, Braun 381, Graugrün 67
Südkorea Afterwar K1A2, K2 Black Panther Braun 381, Bronzegrün 65, Beige 89, Schwarz
SU Interwar Wk2 T-37 Amphibious Tank Revell Bronzegrün 65
SU Afterwar BMP-3 (9P163M-1 Kornet-S) w/ AT-14 Kornet Bronzegrün
SU Afterwar BMP-3 Khrizantema-S 9P157-2, MT-LB AZM = UDZM Bronzegrün, Afrikabraun, Schwarz
SU Afterwar SA-12A Gladiator/Giant (S-300V 9K81 Antey-300) Bronzegrün 65, Hellgrau 371, Holzbraun 382
SU Afterwar UR-77 Meteorit Bronzegrün, Dunkelgelb, Schwarz
Schweden Wk2 Afterwar Strv m/41 SII Revell Bronzegrün, Holzbraun 382, Schwarz, Radreifen Anthrazit
Schweden Jahr(1942;1953) Pvkv II Bronzegrün, Braun, Schwarz
Schweiz Jahr(1939-1950) LTL-H Pzw. 39 Revell Hellgrau 371, Lederbraun, Bronzegrün
Syrien Afterwar T-55 Syrien 1973 Revell Sand, Granitgrau (dunkelgrün), Lifecolor US Navy Deckblue
Türkei Afterwar M113 Atilgan Bronzegrün, Braun 381, Anthrazit
Türkei Jahr(2021-) Kaplan MT / Harimau Bronzegrün, Anthrazit, Braun 381
Tschechien Afterwar CZK vz.51 130mm Raketomet Revell 86 Khakibraun
USA Interwar Wk2 M2 Medium Tank Mr. Color Olive Drab Spray, Vallejo Olive Drab
USA Wk2 Afterwar M5A1 Late, M26 Pershing, TV-8, phase 1 Revell Nato-Oliv 46
Ukraine Afterwar T-84 OPLOT Bronzegrün, beige, rostrot, schwarz
Ukraine Afterwar SA-12A Gladiator/Giant (S-300V 9K81 Antey-300) Bronzegrün 65, Hellgrau 371, Holzbraun 382
Ungarn Wk2 Turan III 44M Revell Olivgrün 361
Venezuela Afterwar SA-12A Gladiator/Giant (S-300V 9K81 Antey-300) Bronzegrün 65, Hellgrau 371, Holzbraun 382
Weißrussland Afterwar SA-12A Gladiator/Giant (S-300V 9K81 Antey-300) Bronzegrün 65, Hellgrau 371, Holzbraun 382


Betreiberland Betriebsaera Modell Farben Bild
Figurenbemalung generelle Methode für kleine Maßstäbe
Arabien Jahr(1600-heute) Arabische Kamelreiter grundiert beige, diverse Brauntöne
Arabien Afterwar Arab Soldier Set 1 grundiert Bronzegrün65, dann Oliv 361
Arabien Afterwar Arab Private military contractors grundiert Bronzegrün65, dann Oliv 362
GB Wk2 British Uniforms Revell khalibraun 86
Italien Wk2 Italienische Uniformen Khaki N. Africa = beige, Tela Grigio Verde = graugrün/bronzegrün, Tuta Carrista = graublau, Verde Telo Mimetico = Khakibraun Revell 86, Marrone Telo Mimetico = leicht rötliches Braun
SU Wk2 Russian Uniforms


Betreiberland Betriebsaera Modell Farben Bild
Argentinien Wk2 Afterwar Fiat G55 B Argentinien Revell Hellgrau 76 als meine Interpretation für L40/41 (Grundierung) oder L40/52 (Decklack) laut Ullmann
Argentinien Afterwar Super Etendard Argentina 1982 Weiss, Lifecolor US Navy Deck Blue 20B
Chile Wk2 Afterwar F80C Shooting Star Chile Revell Braun 85|Revell Grün 67|Revell Grau 57|Revell Hellblau 49
Chile Afterwar Sea Vampire T.22 Chile Revell Sand 17|Revell Braun 381|Revell Hellblau 49
Deutsch WkI Pfalz D.II Haifisch Lifecolor UA647 IJN Linoleum Deck, Revell Olivgrün 361
Deutsch WkI Ago C.IV Revell Olivgrün 361, Lila-Mischung Purpur 331 / Blau 56, hellblau 49
Deutsch WkI Rippensicherungsbänder Fok. DVII (bei Fokker selbst gebaut) = Tarnstoffstreifen, Fok. DVII (OAW) = blau (anm.kl: hellblau), Fok. DVII ( Alb) = rosa. Aber vermutlich bei vielen ungefärbte Leinenstoffbänder.
Lozenge ist ein falscher amerikanischer Ausdruck. Im deutschen hiess das Tarnstoff. (1167)
Deutsch Interwar Bü 182 C Kornett Revell Hellgrau 76 als meine Interpretation für L40/41 (Grundierung) oder L40/52 (Decklack) laut Ullmann
Deutsch Interwar Hs123 A-1 Lt.Hamann Revell Steingrau 75|Revell Lederbraun 84|Revell Grüngrau 67
Deutsch Interwar Wk2 Deutsch RLM 72: 3-4x Revell.42 + 1x Revell.78
RLM 73: 4x Revell.69 + 1x Revell.40
Deutsch Jahr(1937) Me109V-14 Ernst Udet Dübendorf-Zürich 1937 Revell Karminrot 36
Deutsch Wk2 Fw190 D-13/R11 Hellblau Revell 49|Himmelblau Revell 59|Grau Revell 57|Hellgrün Lifecolor RLM82|Braunviolett (Grün) Lifecolor RLM 81|Spinner Revell Laubgrün 364
Deutsch Wk2 Nakajima E8N1 Dave Revell Hellblau 49|Revell 57 Grau|Revell 67 Grüngrau
Frankreich WkI Nieuport Triplane Revell Braun 381, Grün 67, Beige
GB WkI Sopwith Camel Otto Kissenberth NATO-Oliv 46, Beige, weiß, schwarz
GB Wk2 Afterwar Gloster Meteor F.Mk.1 EE227 Trent (Turboprop) Revell 57|Revell 69
Japan Jahr(1942-1945) Japan gelbe Vorderkanten dienen der ID durch Flak, Verordnung 12. Sep 1942, beobachtet ab Okt 1942
Legion Condor Wk2 Me109E-1 Spanien Revell 75
Litauen Interwar Wk2 Letov S-20L Revell Frangrün 360|Revell Nato-Oliv 46|Revell Alu
Mexiko Wk2 Afterwar A-24B Banshee (Dauntless) Vallejo 13 Yellow Olive
Mexiko Afterwar T33 Aztec Knight Vallejo 17 Russian Green
Polen Jahr(1920-1923) Für die Klasse: Jahr(1918-1923) Sopwith Dolphin in Polish Service Revell Olivgrün 361, Beige
Slowakei Afterwar MiG21MF Slovakian Fishbed J Revell Hellbrau 76|Revell Weiß 04|Revell Schwar/Panzergrau 07/78. Cocpit: Revell 49 mit Tropfen hellgrün
Spanien Wk2 He 112 B-0 Spanien Revell Steingrau 75|Revell Lederbraun 84|Revell Grüngrau 67
USA Wk2 TP-39Q-5 Revell Grau 57|Vallejo Model Air 043 Olive Drab

Weitere Info

Ship Camouflage Behind the Scenes in
The latewar colors in - interesting thesis, if true or not.
USN camouflage in,
Statements from Mal Wright:
Camo in different scenes:


(1162)a b,1871.msg28116.html#msg28116
(1164)a b c d e f g h i j War Times Journal
(1165) citation fb-Vanatta
(1166) 'British Warships 1914-1919' by FJ Dittmar & JJ Colledge
(1167) Hans Trauner in FF zu Lozenge
(1698) Answer of Joseph Lavander on the deck colour question in Facebook Group Warships of WW1, 17.07.2022
(1701) Aufsatz James Brown Painting Caunter:

lime: Hervorragende Quelle, kaum Fehler
green: Sehr gute Quelle, kaum Fehler
schwarz oder blau: Qualität der Quelle noch nicht angegeben
orange: Gute Quelle, einige Fehler
red: Quelle enthält mglw. einige korrekte Angaben, ist in jedem Fall einzeln zu prüfen

Eine vollständige Liste von mir verwendeter Quellen befindet sich in Weiteres/Literatur
Info von Wikipedia wird meist nicht explizit aufgelistet.
Letzte Änderung dieser Seite: Montag 16 September 2024 16:47.