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This site shows an 'order of battle' page. As models it displays either the ship or one of the same class. If I have a model, this is shown. Otherwise candidates in the market may be referenced.

Sinking Wilhelm Gustloff 30.1.1945


S-13 (1945) (Typ IX)
Wilhelm Gustloff

Wilhelm Gustloff (1945)
Rescue of castaways

T23 Flottentorpedoboot (1942) (Flottentorpedoboot 1939), T35 Flottentorpedoboot (1945) (Flottentorpedoboot 1939), T25 (Flottentorpedoboot 1939) (1/1250), T28 Flottentorpedoboot (1943) (Flottentorpedoboot 1939)

pic by
Sleipner (1937) (Sleipner class) (1/1250), Tiger ex Tor 1941 (Sleipner 1936 class) (1/1250)
M-Boote Typ 1940
M387 (TS2), M375 (TS8), M341

M469 Typ 40 (1943) (M-Boot Typ 40), M-Boot Typ 40 (M-Boot Typ 40) (1/1250), TS-4 ex M278 1945 (M-Boot Typ 40)
Göttingen, Gotenland

TF-1 (A-III mod / Großes Torpedofangboot) (1/1250), Similar type SMS A-68 (1917) (A-Klasse Amtsentwurf 1916 AIII), Similar type SMS A-80 (A-Klasse Amtsentwurf 1916 AIII)
(ex Walfangboot "Unitas 4")

Vorpostenboote ex Walfänger (1/600)


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Last change of this page: Friday 07 June 2024 11:23.

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