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SMS Tatra kuk

SMS Tatra kuk
SMS Tatra kuk

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  DBTyp  Model  
  Base type  Tatra class  
    Furthermore referenced in country lists (as similar) as: (Italy): Tatra mod. class 
  Kit manufacturer  Navis  (Navis:)
  Material  Fertigmodell  
  Origin country  Austria-Hungary  Parent category: Europe
  Operator country  Austria-Hungary For the class: Italy France China  Parent category: Europe, Asia, ,
  Built  13.12.2015   
  Topics  Destroyer  (Destroyer:) 3D-Images in
(Ship:) Navies: To the list of all ship classes
Parent category: Ship
  Aera of use  WWI Interwar For the class: Pre1914 WWI Interwar  
  Scale  1/1250  
  BaseVehicle  Ship  
> Same base or sthg. the like ( Show/hide: [+])
Model SMS Tatra kuk
SMS Szent Istvan (kuk), SMS Tatra kuk 
Referenced itself or via the class in Coastal Bombardements Ancona, Porto Buso 23.-24.5.1915 1. Battle of Durazzo 28.-29.12.1915 Battle of Otranto Strait 14./15.5.1917 Action of Otranto Strait 22.4.1918 Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 (only a similar ship)

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SMS Tatra kuk

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