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Type definition PT Boat

  DBTyp  Type Definition  
  Base type  PT Boat  
  Origin country  United States of America  Parent category: North America
  Operator country  United States of America Germany Argentina South Africa Albania GB  Parent category: North America, Europe, Latin America, Africa
  Build era  0 (not yet built)   
  Topics  Small combattants  (Small combattants:) E-Boats, MTB, Subchasers, River gunboat
(Ship:) ,
(Ship:) US Navy Pic Archive
(Ship:) Navies: To the list of all ship classes
Parent category: Ship
  Aera of use  WW2  (WW2:) second world war
  BaseVehicle  Ship  
  Scale  1/72
> Same base or sthg. the like ( Show/hide: [+])
Model PT-147 Elco 80'
PT-147 Elco 80', USS Niagara CMc-2/PG-52/AGP-1  class=PT boat , see
Model PT-170 Boat Type 103
PT-170 Boat Type 103  class=PT boat PT-170 Boat Type 103
Model RA10
RA10  class=PT boat RA10 ex MTB314
Type Definition MTB314 ex BPT8 ex PT56 (Elco 77 Typ)
Type Definition RA10 ex MTB314
Type Definition PT-170 Boat Type 103
Referenced itself or via the class in Operation Harpoon, Vigorous 12.-16.6.1942 (only a similar ship) (... Fold out for more)[+]Operation Agreement, Raid on Tobruk 13./14.9.1942 Operation Husky, Landing on Sicily 9.7.-17.8.1943 Operation Avalanche, Salerno Landings 9.-16.9.1943 Capture of BYMS-72 11.11.1943 Operation Shingle: Anzio, Nettuno 22.1.-25.5.1944 (only a similar ship)

Comparable entries in this category

For this model there is not yet a picture available. Check-out the main page or the gallery for models with pictures.

Other model examples with pics

Niagara (AGP 1) burns after being attacked by Japanese aircraft east of Cape Surville, San Cristobal Islands (Solomon Islands), on 23 May 1943. PT-146 is alongside the stern (port) while<br>PT-147 moves up to the starboard side, aft. The tender sank later that day. Other boats (PT-144, PT-145, PT-148, or PT-110) maneuver to pick up other men <br> US National Archives photo 80-G-68537
Niagara (AGP 1) burns after being attacked by Japanese aircraft east of Cape Surville, San Cristobal Islands (Solomon Islands), on 23 May 1943. PT-146 is alongside the stern (port) while
PT-147 moves up to the starboard side, aft. The tender sank later that day. Other boats (PT-144, PT-145, PT-148, or PT-110) maneuver to pick up other men
US National Archives photo 80-G-68537
PT-170 Boat Type 103
PT-170 Boat Type 103
USS Cassin DD-372
USS Cassin DD-372

A list of used references is in More topics/Literature
Information from Wikipedia is not always listed explicitly.