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This site shows an 'order of battle' page. As models it displays either the ship or one of the same class. If I have a model, this is shown. Otherwise candidates in the market may be referenced.

Zeebrugge / Ostende Raid 23.4.1918

GB / France
Assault vessels for the Zeebrugge Mole
Arrogant class

HMS Vindictive 1918 (Arrogant class) (1/1250)
Mersey ferries
Royal Daffodil, Iris II

HMS Iris/Princess Iris and HMS Daffodil (Train Ferry 1 class), HMS Train Ferry 1,2,3 (Train Ferry 1 class)
C class
C1 † , C3 †

HMS C class submarine, Group 2 (HMS C class submarine)
Blockships for the Bruges Canal
Apollo class
Thetis † , Intrepid † , Iphigenia †

Similar type Hai Yung 1897 (Hai Yung class|{{class similar}}|Regioni class|Holland class|Astraea class|Apollo class|Eclipse class|Niobe ex HNLMS Gelderland)
Blockships for Ostend Harbour
Apollo class
Sirius, Brilliant

Similar type Hai Yung 1897 (Hai Yung class|{{class similar}}|Regioni class|Holland class|Astraea class|Apollo class|Eclipse class|Niobe ex HNLMS Gelderland)
Flagship, Escorts, Bombardement …
Erebus class
Erebus, Terror

HMS Erebus
Marshall Ney class
Marshal Soult

Similar type HMS Erebus, Similar style HMS Abercrombie 1944 (Roberts class)
Lord Clive class
Prince Eugene, General Craufurd

HMS Sir John Moore 1915 (Lord Clive class) (1/1250), Similar type HMS Erebus, Similar style HMS Abercrombie 1944 (Roberts class)
M15 class
M21, M24, M26

HMS M29 (HMS M class Monitor), HMS M class Monitor 2x6' (HMS M class Monitor) (1/600), HMS M25 (HMS M class Monitor) (1/600), HMS M27 (HMS M class Monitor) (1/600)
Adventure class

Similar type HMS Patrol (Pathfinder class) (1/1250),
Kit candidate: Adventure announced by Kombrig on FB 14.10.2022
Tribal 1905 class
Afridi, Zubian

HMS F class / Tribal class (F class WkI) (1/1250)
M class
Phoebe, North Star † , Mansfield, Myngs, Morris, Moorsom, Truculent, Manley, Ulleswater, Matchless, Mastiff, Mentor

HMS Mary Rose (1916) (Admiralty M Class)
Talisman class
Trident, Termagent
Medea class

HMS Melampus 1915 (Medea class)
R class
Tempest, Tetrarch, Teazer, Stork

Phra Ruang (ex-HMS Radiant) (R Class Destroyer)
VW class
Velox, Warwick, Whirlwind

HMAS Vampire D68 (V Class Destroyer)
Scott class

HMS Scott (Admiralty Leader), HMS Douglas 1942 (Admiralty Leader)
Swift class

HMS Swift 1907 (HMS Swift Leader) (1/1250), HMS Swift 1914 (HMS Swift Leader)
Faulknor-class flotilla leader

HMS Tipperary (Faulknor x Almirante class) (1/1250)
Marksman class

HMS Marksman 1915 (Marksman class)
Racecourse class

HMS Ascot (1917) (Racecourse class)
5, 7, 15, 16, 17, 21B, 22B, 23B, 24A, 25BD, 26B, 27A, 28A, 29A, 30B, 32A, 34A and 35A, 2, 4, 10 and 12, 19A and 20A

HMS 40′ CMB (CMB 40ft) (1/600), IJN MTB 55ft CMB (55ft CMB), IJN MTB Chinese 55ft CMB (55ft CMB)
79, 110, 121, 128, 223, 239, 241, 252, 258, 262, 272, 280, 282, 308, 314, 345, 397, 416, 420, 422, 424, 513, 525, 526, 533, 549, 552, 555, 557, 558, 560, 561 and 562, 1, 16, 17, 22, 23, 30, 60, 105, 254, 274, 276, 279, 283, 429, 512, 532, 551, 556
French Escorts
Enseigne Roux class
Mécanicien Principal Lestin, Enseigne Roux
pic by
Enseigne Roux (Enseigne Roux class) (1/1250)
Bouclier class

Casque 1910 (Bouclier class) (1/1250)
Torpedo Boats
T1, T2 (318, 320, 341 of 295 class ?)

Drzki 1908 (Smeli class|{{class similar}}|295 class), Drzki 1908 (Smeli class|{{class similar}}|295 class) (1/1250)
33, 3
Großes Torpedoboot 1913
S 53, S 63 ,V 69

SMS G37 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913), SMS V25 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913)
A-II (Amtsentwurf 1915) A 26-A 55
A 27, A 30, A 43 und A 49

Sulev 1939 ex A-32 (A-Klasse Amtsentwurf 1915 AII) (1/1250)


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Last change of this page: Wednesday 02 October 2024 18:30.


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