K-KlasseKöln, Königsberg (x

9.4. durch norw Küstenartillerie, 10.4. †

durch Luftangriff)
Karlsruhe S-BooteS19 x

Kollision, S21 x

Kollision, S22, S23, S24.
Hilfsschiffe (16. VP Gruppe?)Schiff 9 Koblenz (†

10.4. Mine), Schiff 18 Alteland (erbeutet norw Minenleger Tyr), später Schiff 221/ Veslegut (ex norwegisches Walfangboot 17.4 übernommen)
Tender Minenräumbarkassen
6 Fischdampfer/Hilfsminensucher: Hugin, Hagen, Hildebrand, Munin, Odin, Volker
Föhn, Taifun
5 (ostwärts Shetland)U 47, U 48, U 49 †

15.4. von Zerstörern Fearless und Brazen, U 50 6.4. †

Express, Esk, Icarus und Ivanhoe, U 52, später U 37
alle VIIB
U-Boot Typ VIIB (Typ VII)
Skagerrak, Kattegat, Jan Wellem, Moonsund, Euroland, Senator, Belt, Stedingen, Dollart
Bärenfels, Rauenfels, Alster, Florida, Sao Paulo, Levante, Main, Roda
Seetransportstaffel 1, 2, 3Ionia, Neidenfels, Antares, Muansa, Itauri, Wiegand, Westsee, Kreta, August Leonhardt, Tübingen, Tijuka, Mendoza, Marie Leonhardt, Curityba, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia Castillo, Hanau, Wandsbek, Kellerwald, Rosario, Wolfram, Wigbert, Friedenau, Hamm, Tucuman, Espana, Scharhörn
Pinguin HSK5 1941 (Ehrenfels-Klasse),
Atlantis HSK2 (Ehrenfels-Klasse) Geleit6 ehem. Walfangboote der 15. Vorposten-Flottille (V 1501, V 1505, V 1506, V 1507 †

, V 1508 und V 1509), 7 Boote der Torpedo-Schulflottille (u.a. T 155) sowie 4 ehem Walfangboote der 13. U-Jagd-Gruppe (UJ G, UJ H, UJ I und UJ K)
weitere: Schiff 40/ Schürbeck , UJ 125, UJ 126 und UJ 128 (12. UJ-Flottille), UJ B/Treff V....
SMS V150/155 (Großes Torpedoboot 1906),
Sperrbrecher 18 Schürbeck (Sperrbrecher 18)
HVALROSSEN class torpedo boats (1913)
SPRINGEREN torpedo boats (1917)
ÆGIR class subs (1915)
ROTA class subs (1920)
DAPHNE class subs (1926)
Daphne and Drayden
Havmanden class subs (1938)
Havmanden, Havfruen, Havkalen (and Havhesten ready 1942)
Henrik Gerner Minelayer (1928)
Minelayer and Submarine tender
Lindormen Minelayer (1940)
Minekran NR.5 class Minelayer (1917)
Laaland class Minelayer (1941)
Laaland and Lougen
Söbjörnen class Minesweepers (1938)
MS1 class Mkinesweepers (1941)
3 escaped to Sweden
Fishery protectionHVIDBJØRNEN (1929), MAAGEN, a cutter (1932), INGOLF (1934), HEJMDAL (1935), TERNEN (a cutter of 1937), and FREJA (1939).
In addition there were the BESKYTTEREN, a patrol ship of 1900 and the Diana (1917), and the Islands Falk (1906).
P1 class boats
Freja 1938 / Südpol (1/1250)
Five Vale classVale ((captured) 13 May), Uller (captured 9 April, †

by Norwegian forces 1 May), Brage ((captured) 9 April), Nor (captured 14 April), Vidar ((captured) 14 April)
Two Gor class
Gor ((captured) 13 May), Tyr ((captured) 20 April),
Two Glommen class
Glommen ((captured) 14 April), Laugen ((captured) 14 April),
Two Otra classTwo Otra class: Otra ((captured) 10 April) and Rauma ((captured) 9 April)
HNoMS Otra (Togo) Six rebuilt 2. class torpedo boatsSix rebuilt 2. class torpedo boats: Djerv (†

2 May), Dristig (†

2 May), Hvas ((captured) 11 April), Kjæk (captured 12 April), Falk ((captured) 12 April), Hauk ((captured) 9 April)
Three A classThree A class vessels: A-2 (damaged and run aground 9 April), A-3 (†

16 April), A-4 (†

16 April)
Six B classSix B class vessels: B-1 (evacuated to GB 8 June), B-2 ((captured) 11 April), B-3 (†

10 June), B-4 ((captured) 10 April), B-5 ((captured) 9 April), B-6 ((captured) 18 May)
Eight 2. classEight 2. class: Grib (†

17 April), Jo (†

17 April), Kjell ((captured) 11 April), Lom ((captured) 9 April), Ravn (†

17 April), Skarv ((captured) 9 April), Teist (†

14 April), Ravn ((captured) 9 April)
Kjell 1940 (Teist class) (1/1250)
…Fridtjof Nansen (evacuated to GB 8 June), Heimdal (evacuated to GB 8 June), Honningsvåg ((captured) from the Germans 13 April, evacuated to GB 7 June), Nordkapp (evacuated to GB 8 June), Senja (Nordkapp class) Michael Sars , Oster (captured 22 May), Pol III ((captured) 14 April), Thorodd (evacuated to GB 8 June), Kelt
Fridtjof Nansen 1936 (1/1250)