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This site shows an 'order of battle' page. As models it displays either the ship or one of the same class. If I have a model, this is shown. Otherwise candidates in the market may be referenced.

Bombardement Zeebrugge Gates 12.5.1917

Erebus class
Terror, Erebus

HMS Erebus
Marshal class
Marshal Soult

Similar type HMS Erebus, Similar style HMS Abercrombie 1944 (Roberts class)
Lord Clive class
Sir John Moore

HMS Sir John Moore 1915 (Lord Clive class) (1/1250), Similar type HMS Erebus, Similar style HMS Abercrombie 1944 (Roberts class)
M15 class
M24, M26

HMS M29 (HMS M class Monitor), HMS M class Monitor 2x6' (HMS M class Monitor) (1/600), HMS M25 (HMS M class Monitor) (1/600), HMS M27 (HMS M class Monitor) (1/600), HMS M29 (HMS M class Monitor) (1/1250)
Faulknor class leader
Faulknor, Botha

HMS Tipperary (Faulknor x Almirante class) (1/1250)
C class (3-funnelled, 30-knot classes)
Mermaid, Racehorse

HMS Violet 1898 (Violet C class)
Laforey / L class
Lochinvar, Landrail, Lydiard

HMS Legion 1914 (L 1914 class), HMS L class 1913 (?) (L class 1915) (1/1250)
M class
Mentor, Moorsom, Morris

HMS Mary Rose (1916) (Admiralty M Class)
6 paddle minesweepers

Similar type HMS Ascot (1917) (Racecourse class)
19 motor launches
Marksman class leader
Lightfoot, Nimrod with further 12 DD as cover

HMS Marksman 1915 (Marksman class)


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Last change of this page: Thursday 13 June 2024 20:04.



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