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Some Actions Channel, North Sea 1917


Action 22/23.1.1917

German 6.Flottilla
Großes Torpedoboot 1913
V69 xx , G41 xx , S50, ...

SMS G37 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913), SMS V25 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913)
Arethusa class
Aurora, Undaunted, Penelope

HMS Arethusa 1914 (Arethusa 1914 class) (1/1250), Similar type SMS Brummer 1917 (SMS Brummer 1917)
C class / Caroline group
Conquest, Cleopatra

HMS Caroline 1914 (C Class Cruiser), HMS Comus 1915 (C Class Cruiser) (1/1250),
Kit candidate: Caroline 1916 planned by N
C class / Centaur group

Similar type HMS Caroline 1914 (C Class Cruiser), Similar type HMS Comus 1915 (C Class Cruiser) (1/1250)
M class
Milne, Morris, Matchless, Manly, Phoebe, Meteor, Mansfield, Moorsom

HMS Mary Rose (1916) (Admiralty M Class)
Medea class

HMS Melampus 1915 (Medea class)
Marksman class leader

HMS Marksman 1915 (Marksman class)
Parker class leader

HMS Hoste 1916 (Parker class leader) (1/1250), HMS Seymour 1916 (Parker class leader)
R class 1916
Rob Roy, Sorceress, Radstock, Starfish, Rigorous, Simoom † by S50, Surprise

Phra Ruang (ex-HMS Radiant) (R Class Destroyer)

British Raid on Zeebrugge Entrance 7.3.1917


HMS 40′ CMB (CMB 40ft) (1/600)
Support ship for the CMB

HMS Violet 1898 (Violet C class)
German 4 T-Boats at anchor
Großes Torpedoboot 1913
G88 † , …

SMS G37 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913), SMS V25 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913)

German Raid 17./18.3.1917

German 6.Flottilla (11.,12.Halbflottillen)
Großes Torpedoboot 1913
S49, G86, G87, V.43, V.45, G.37, V.46, V.67, V.68, G.95, G.96, V.47, S.15, S.18, S.20, S.24

SMS G37 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913), SMS V25 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913)
Acasta class
Paragon † , Laforey

HMS Spitfire 1912 (Acasta / K class)
Laforey class
Llewellyn xx

HMS Legion 1914 (L 1914 class), HMS L class 1913 (?) (L class 1915) (1/1250)
Nearby, not directly involved
Lord Clive class
Prince Eugene

HMS Sir John Moore 1915 (Lord Clive class) (1/1250), Similar type HMS Erebus, Similar style HMS Abercrombie 1944 (Roberts class)
Erebus class

HMS Erebus
C class / Cambrian class

Similar type HMS Caroline 1914 (C Class Cruiser), Similar type HMS Comus 1915 (C Class Cruiser) (1/1250)
Faulknor class leader
Faulknor, Broke

HMS Tipperary (Faulknor x Almirante class) (1/1250)
Tribal / F class
Saracen, Viking

HMS F class / Tribal class (F class WkI) (1/1250)
Acasta / K class

HMS Spitfire 1912 (Acasta / K class)
Laforey / L class
Lucifer, Linnet, Lochinvar

HMS Legion 1914 (L 1914 class), HMS L class 1913 (?) (L class 1915) (1/1250)
M class
Mentor, Myngs, Morris

HMS Mary Rose (1916) (Admiralty M Class)
P boats
P11, P21

HMS P class 1916 (P class) (1/1250),
Kit candidate: P-boat sloop announced by Kombrig 07.2021
Paramount, Greypoint †

Similar style Mersey class trawler (Mersey class trawler)

Similar type Bygve No 71 1888 (Bygve class) (1/1250)

Second Battle of the Dover Strait 20/21.4.1917

Großes Torpedoboot 1913
G42 † , G85 † , V71, V73, V81, S53, V47, G95, V68, G91, V70

SMS G37 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913), SMS V25 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913)
Großes Torpedoboot 1916 M

SMS V125 (Großes Torpedoboot 1916 M) (1/1250)

HMS Tipperary (Faulknor x Almirante class) (1/1250)

HMS Swift 1907 (HMS Swift Leader) (1/1250), HMS Swift 1914 (HMS Swift Leader)
Sabreur x

Similar style Mersey class trawler (Mersey class trawler)
Nearby, not in fighting
Marshal class
Marshal Ney

Similar type HMS Erebus, Similar style HMS Abercrombie 1944 (Roberts class)
Active class

HMS Amphion 1913 (Active class) (1/1250), HMS Amphion 1913 (Active class) (1/1250)
C class / Caroline group

HMS Caroline 1914 (C Class Cruiser), HMS Comus 1915 (C Class Cruiser) (1/1250),
Kit candidate: Caroline 1916 planned by N
C class (3-funnelled, 30-knot classes)
Falcon, Crane, Racehorse

HMS Violet 1898 (Violet C class)
Tribal / F class
Amazon, Saracen, Afridi

HMS F class / Tribal class (F class WkI) (1/1250)
Laforey / L class
Lydiard, Lucifer, Laverock, Laertes

HMS Legion 1914 (L 1914 class), HMS L class 1913 (?) (L class 1915) (1/1250)
M class
Matchless, Myngs, Miranda, Mentor, Morris, Nugent

HMS Mary Rose (1916) (Admiralty M Class)
Torpedo boat No. 15
P boat No. 50

HMS P class 1916 (P class) (1/1250),
Kit candidate: P-boat sloop announced by Kombrig 07.2021

Raid on Dunkirk 25.4.1917

Großes Torpedoboot 1913

SMS G37 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913), SMS V25 (Großes Torpedoboot 1913)
Branlebas class
Étendard †
Notre Dame de Lourdes
Trawler xx

Similar style Mersey class trawler (Mersey class trawler)

HMS Violet 1898 (Violet C class)


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Last change of this page: Thursday 13 June 2024 20:04.



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