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Battle of Fuzhou / Foochow / Pagoda Anchorage 1884-08-23

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France Far East Squadron

station ironclad (cuirassé de croisière) 1879, 4,585 tons

Triomphante 1884 (La Galissonnière 1874 class)
La Galissonnière
x did not reach main battle station ironclad (cuirassé de croisière) 1874, 4,645 tons

Similar type Triomphante 1884 (La Galissonnière 1874 class)
1st class iron cruiser 1879, 3,479 tons

Duguay-Trouin 1884 (Duguay-Trouin 1884 class)
1st class cruiser 1881, 2,363 tons
1st class cruiser 1881, 2,363 tons

La Perouse 1884 (La Perouse class)
2nd class wooden cruiser 1869, 1,820 tons
3rd class wooden cruiser 1869, 1,323 tons

Volta 1884 (Limier class)
transport 1880, 1,575 tons
Arbalete class
Lynx, Aspic, Vipère . composite gunboats ~1870, 465 tons
Torpedo Boat No. 20 class
torpedo boats 45, 46 x ~1879 , 30,58 tons

Not involved directly


Bayard 1884

China, Fujian Fleet

Yangwu / Yang wu
flagship, wooden corvette (cruiser) 1,393 tons, 15 knots, 13 British muzzle-loaders , 1872, Foochow Navy Yard

Yang Wu of Foochow Arsenal
Fupo class
Fupo / Fu-p'o, Feiyun / Fei-yun † , Ji'an / Chi-an †
scout-transport (cruiser) 1,258 tons, 5 guns , 1870, Foochow Navy Yard

Foochow Arsenal Fu Po
Yongbao / Yung-pao (Fupo) class
Yongbao / Yung-pao † , Chenhang / Ch'en-hang †
scout-transport derived from Fupo class 1,391 tons, 3 guns , 1873, Foochow Navy Yard

Foochow Arsenal Yung Pao
Zhenwei / Chen-wei
wooden gunboat 572.5 tons, 10 knots, 6 guns , 1872, Foochow Navy Yard

Chen Wei of Foochow Arsenal
Fuxing / Fu-hsing
wooden gunboat 515 tons, 3 guns , 1870, Foochow Navy Yard

Foo Hsing
Fusheng / Fu-sheng
Rendel flatiron gunboat 280 tons , 1875, Laird, Birkenhead

Fu Sheng, Chen Sheng (Jiansheng class)
Jiansheng / Chien-sheng
Rendel flatiron gunboat 250 tons , 1875, Laird, Birkenhead

Fu Sheng, Chen Sheng (Jiansheng class)
Yixin / I-hsin
river patrol boat No details available , 1876, Foochow Navy Yard

Foochow Arsenal Yi Hsien

Not involved directly

11 Chinese Junks



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