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Brazilian Naval Division for War Operations (DNOG) 1918

1.8.1918 Depart for Africa
9.8.1918 Freetown, Sierra Leone convoyed by HMS Britannia
23.8.1918 Route to Dakar
25.8.1918 DNOG reported attack by U-Boat, but not confirmed
6.9.1918 Spanish Flu erupted (first on Bahia)
10.11.1918 Arrival Bahia, three of the four destroyers, and the tugboat at Gibraltar escorted by USS Israel, one day before end of war. Originally HMS Britannia should escort, but was sunk by UB50
Bahia class
Bahia, Rio Grande

Bahia 1938 (Bahia 1910 class) (1/1250)
Para class
Piauí, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte and Santa Catarina

Similar style SMS S90 1899 (Großes Torpedoboot 1898)
AMC, tender ex German Valesia
Laurindo Pita

Almirante Barroso
Als Ersatz vorgesehen, falls Rio Grande ausfallen sollte

Ministro Zenteno (Almirante Barroso class) (1/1250), USS New Orleans 1898 PG-34 / CL-22 (Almirante Barroso class|Almirante Barroso class|Elswick Type Cruiser)
HMS Britannia

HMS Britannia 1906 (King Edward VII class), HMS Africa 1905 (King Edward VII class) (1/1250)
USS Israel

HMS Campbeltown I42 (1942) ex USS Buchanan (Wickes Class)


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Last change of this page: Monday 31 March 2025 18:09.


(1378) Brazilian Naval Division for War Operations (DNOG) in

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