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Navies and their vessels

This list is not an alternative to the available databases or books. It is more for categorization of models into classes. Alongside developped an informative list of ship classes.
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Medieval Ages (Examples)


Kogge XIV Jhdt

Pinke "Zolty Lew" 1622


D'Entrecasteaux class
protected cruiser
D'Entrecasteaux 1899-1919, loaned to Belgium from 1923-26 as accomodation hulk, and then sold to Poland in 1927 becoming the ORP BALTYK. Captured by Germany, used as accomodation, scrapped 1942

Base type D'Entrecasteaux ORP Baltyk 1940 ex D'Entrecasteaux, ORP Baltyk 1940 ex D'Entrecasteaux (1/1250)
D class / Danae class
ex British cruisers. Dragon 1917;1943-44 ex HMS Dragon; Conrad 1918;1944-46 ex HMS Danae

ORP Conrad


Chirok class / Filin class
Komandant Pilsudski : ex SU Kun 1919-1920 => poln Komandant Pilsudski = German Heisternest/M3109
General Haller: ex SU Wodoriez 1919-1921 => 1922 General Haller -1939 +
More of the class in Finnland

Heisternest (M 3109)


Z-1 Class
1920 Mazur ex V-105, Kaszub ex V-108

ORP Mazur ex V-105 (1/400), V-108 ex Z-4 (1914), ORP Mazur 1939
1921 Kujawiak ex A-68, Goral ex Podhalanin ex A-80, Slazak ex A-59, Krakowiak ex A-64
ex German T-Boats, used as T-Boat and training ships, Kujawiak as Submarine target ship and then submarine tender

SMS A-68 (1917), SMS A-80
Burza Class
1930; Burza, Wicher; ähnlich franz. Bourrasque 1500t Class; 1540t

ORP Burza (1936)
Grom Class
1937; Blyskawica, Grom; 2144t; Huragan,Orkan cancelled 1939

ORP Grom (1940)

ORP Gryf (1939)
1940-1941; 1500t Simoun Class / Bourrasque-Class von Frankreich ausgeliehen

Simoun (1/1250), Similar type ORP Burza (1936)
1940-1947, UK G-Class H37

ORP Garland H37, ORP Garland H37
ex Nerissa, 1940-1946, UK N-Class G65

HMS Kipling Mai 1941 Kreta
ex Myrmidon; 1942-1943; UK-M-Class G90

Similar type HMS Legion (1942)
Hunt II
Slazak ex Bedale, Kujawiak ex Oakley I, Krakowiak ex Silverton

Similar type HMS Badsworth L03 (1942) / HNorMS Arendal, ORP Kujawiak, ORP Krakowiak 1944
30bis/Smielyi class
Grom 1950;1957-1973, Wicher 1949;1958-1974

Bystryi (1/1250), Skory (1954) (1/1250)
Kotlin 56AE SAM2 class
Warszawa ex Spravedlivyy 1956;1970-86

Soznatelnyi 1981, Kotlin class (1950) (1/1250), Kotlin class (1950) (1/1250)
Kashin II class (61M)
Warszawa 1968;1988-2003

Kashin (1/1250), Smetlivy
1987 620-Class
Tarantula class
1989 Project 1241 (auch 621): ORP Gornik, Hutnik, Metalowiec, Rolnik

Tarantul I 1241RE Hiddensee, Tarantul
Oliver Hazard Perry class
Gen K Pulawsky ex Clark FFG-11, Gen T Kosciuszko ex Wadsworth FFG-9, 1978-2002

USS Oliver H. Perry FFG-7
Slazak Pj 621M
7 MEKO A-100 bestellt als Projekt 621 Gawron class, wieder storniert. Eine fertig gebaut als Patrouillenschiff Slazak, Klasse beannt als Project 621M

Similar type Magdeburg F261
Miecznik class
Type 31 Inspiration class export, Arrowhead 140 design. Order March 2022

Similar type Absalon HDMS L16


Wilk class
France built. Wilk 1931;1931 / 1952-1946 / 1954, Rys 1931-1955, Zbik 1932-1955

ORP Wilk Sub-Minelayer 1939/45
Orzel class
Netherlands built. Orzel 1939-1940, Sep 1939-1969

ORP Orzel Sub-Minelayer 1940
5751C class
Order to France not finished -1939;--1940
U class
Sokol 1941-1946, Dzik 1942-1946

U-Boot SU Type V (V2 ex ex HMS Unbroken P42 U-class Group 2)
S class US Holland design
Jastrzab US built USS S-25 (SS-130) 1922; 1941 HMS P.551; 1941-1942 ORP Jastrzab. Bei PQ-15 versehentlich durch eigene versenkt

HMS P-555 ex USS S-24
96 (M XVbis) Maljutka class
Kaszub 0;1954-1963, Mazur 0;1954-1965, Krakowiak 0;1954-1965, Slazak 0;1954-1965, Kujawiak 0;1955-1966, Kurp 0;1955-1966
613 (Whiskey) class
Orzel 1954;1962-1983, Sokol 1955;1964-1987, Kondor 1955;1965-1986, Bielik 1955;1965-1988

Whiskey Class U-Boot (1952) (1/1250), Whiskey class Pj644 2-cyl, Whiskey class Pj665 Long Bin
877E/Paltus (Kilo) class
Orzel 1986-0, Sokol (not ordered);---

Kilo Class, Lada class Pj 677
641 (Foxtrott) class
Wilk 1964;1987-2003, Dzik 1966;1988-2003

Foxtrot class Pj641
207 class
ex Norwegian 207 class boats as Kobben class
Sokol ex Stord 1966;2002-0, Sep ex Skolpen 1966;2002-0, Bielik ex Svenner 1967;2003-0, Kondor ex Kunna 1964;2004-0, Jastrzab-Kobben 1964;2003-0

U-Boot Klasse 207 Kobben


FM class
Czajka ex FM27 1918;1921-1931, Jaskolka ex FM2 1918;1921-1931, Mewa ex FM31 1918;1921-1931, Rybitwa ex FM28 1919;1921-1931

FM 23 (1/1250)
Jaskolka class
Jaskolka 1935-1939, Mewa 1935; dt. Putzig TFA7 1935/1946-1939/1967, Rybitwa 1935;dt Rixhöft TFA8 1935/1946-1939/1966, Czajka 1936;dt Westerplatte TFA8 1936/1946-1939/1967, Zuraw 1939;dt Oxhöft 1939/1946-1939/1947, Czapla 1939-1939

Oxhöft ex poln. Zuraw 1939, TFA-11 ex Czajka, Jaskolka 1934
KTR German Type KD02
1-4 194.;194.-0
253 (T311) class
Czapla 1945;1946-1957, Kondor 1945;1946-1957, Krogulec 1945;1946-1957, Jaskolka 1945;1946-1959, Albatros 1945;1946-1959, Orlik 1945;1946-1959, Jastrzab 1945;1946-1957, Kormoran 1945;1946-1959, Kania 1945;1946-1959
YMS class
Delfin 1942;1948-1957, Foka 1943;1948-1955, Mors 1942;1948-1957

YMS (1944), HMS BYMS (1/600)
151 (TR 40) class
TR 41 1955-1970, TR 42 1955-1970, TR 43 1956-1970, TR 44 1956-1969/70, TR 45 1956-1969/70, TR 46 1956-1970, TR 47 1956-1970
254 (T43) class
Zubr 1956-1987, Tur 1956-1991, Los 1957-1989

PLA 6610 early Ocean Minesweeper, T43 Minesweepers (1/1250)
254M class
Dzik 1958-1990, Bizon 1958-1990, Bobr 1958-1990, Rosomak 1959-1988, Delfin 1959-1987, Foka 1959-1988, Mors 1959-1989, Rys 1959-1989, Zbik 1959-1989

PLA 6610 early Ocean Minesweeper, Similar type T43 Minesweepers (1/1250)
361T (K8) class
K 51....:TR51 - K58...:TR58, TR59-TR75 1958-1961;1958-1961-1976-82
206F (Krogulec) class
Orlik 1963-1989, Krogulec 1963-1989, Jastrzab 1964-1990, Kormoran 1963-1993, Czapla 1965-1990, Albatros 1965-1994, Pelikan 1966-1993, Tukan 1966-2004, Flaming 1966-0, Rybitwa 1967-2002, Mewa 1967-0, Czajka 1967-0
207 (Goplo) class
Goplo 1982-0
207P (Notec) class
Gardno 1984-0, Bukowo 1985-0, Dabie 1986-0, Jamno 1986-0, Mielno 1987-0, Wicko 1987-0, Resko 1988-0, Sarbsko 1988-0, Necko 1989-0, Naklo 1990-0, Druzno 1990-0, Hancza 1991-0
207M (Mamry) class
Mamry 1992-0, Wigry 1993-0, Sniardwy 1994-0, Wdzydze Ex Miedwie 1994-0, unnamed -1990;--1990
410 (Leniwka) class
TR 25 1983-2005, TR 26 1983-2005


Ch 5 class
Ch 11 1939;1940-1941, Ch 15 1939;1940-1941

Base type Ch5-Ch16 FR subchaser RA2 ex CH45 (1/600), Similar type CH14 Chasseur Diélette (1/600)
200 (MOD 3) class
Bezwzgledny 1944;1946-1959, Bystry 1944;1946-1959, Dziarski 1944;1946-1960, Dzielny 1944;1946-1959, Karny 1944;1946-1959, Niedoscigly 1944;1946-1960, Nieuchwytny 1944;1946-1959, Odwazny 1944;1946-1960, smialy 1944;1946-1960, Sprawny 1944;1946-1960, Szybki 1944;1946-1960

OD-200 Sub-Hunter
194 (BMO) class
Blyskawiczny 1944;1946-1960

Similar type MO4 Subchaser (1/600), Similar type MO4 Sub-Chaser
Bitny class
Bitny 1953-1957
122bis (Kronstadt) class
Czujny 1953;1955-1971, Nieugiety 1953;1955-1972, Zawziety 1953;1955-1971, Zwrotny 1953;1955-1971, Zwinny 1950;1957-1970, Zreczny 1950;1957-1971, Wytrwaly 1951;1957-1970, Grozny 1951;1957-1970

Kronstadt class Pj 122bis (2x) (1/1250), PLA 6604 / 122bis Kronstadt
912M (Grozny) (Obluze Mod) class
Grozny 1970-2004, Wytrwaly 1970-2004, Zreczny 1970-2004, Zwinny 1970-2004, Zwrotny 1971-2003, Zawziety 1971-2004, Nieugiety 1972-2003, Czujny 1972-2004
918M (Pilica) class
KP 166 1977-2005, KP 167 1978-2006, KP 168 1978-2006, KP 169 1979-2005, KP 170 1980-2005, KP 171 1982-2006, KP 172 1982-2005, KP 173 1982-2005, KP 174 1982-2006, KP 175 1983-2005, KP 176 1983-2005

Patrol Boats

1932;1945-1957 Names Hel / Listopada / Felix Dzerzhinsky / KP-1
Kaszub class
Kaszub 1949:Starowka ....:KP 3 1932;dt Panther 1939/1949-1939/1959, Mazur dt Taucher 1932;1939-1939, Slazak 1932;1939-1939 dt. Spatz
L 2 class
L 2 1939-1939, L 3 1939-1939

Not assigned

Small combattants

Warsaw class 1920

ORP Horodyszcze

ORP Kraków (SU Smolensk) and ORP Wilno

ORP Warszawa / SU Vitebsk
Mehrzweckboot 1943

MZ-1 (1944/45)
Osa class

Osa I Prj205 Moskit, Osa II Prj205 Moskit (1/1250), OSA I/II, OSA II
Project 183

Project 183P / P-6, P-6 MTB, Project 664


US-Tug / ST Design 327 class

US-Tug Peder Ambjornsen ST-760

AF Typ D2. Artilleriefähre, AF Typ D 2.Version Artilleriefähre 1944, MFP Typ D Marinefährprahm, MFP Typ D Marinefährprahm, MFP Typ D 10,5cm ++AA 1945

Poln. Torpedo-Teststation ex Fähre Oksywie
Sobieski 1939

Sobieski 1939

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