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M35 2,5ton Truck *

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Base typeM35 2,5ton truck
Kit manufacturer4D Model
Origin countryUnited States of America Parent category: North America
Operator countryArgentina Austria Bolivia Brazil Cambodia Canada Chad Chile Colombia Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Fiji Georgia Greece Guatemala Honduras Indonesia Iran Israel Jordan Lao Lebanon Liberia Mexico Morocco Nicaragua Norway Moldova Pakistan Panama Philippines Portugal South Korea Saudi Arabia Sudan Taiwan Thailand Tunisia Turkey United States of America Venezuela Vietnam Germany Parent category: Latin America, Europe, Asia, North America, Africa, Ozeanien, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Build era0 (not yet built)
TopicsTruck 6-wheel (Ground Equipment:) Vehicles
Parent category: Ground vehicle, Ground Equipment, drive-train
Aera of usetime(1950-heute)
BaseVehicleGround Equipment
> Same base or sthg. the like ( Show/hide: [-])
Model M35 2,5ton Truck
M35 2,5ton Truck
Model M35 Gun Truck Brutus
M35 Gun Truck Brutus, M45 Quadmount AA on M35 Nancy
Model Vietnam Armoured truck markings
Vietnam Armoured truck markings
Kit Combination Bofors 40mm on M35 2,5 ton truck
Bofors 40mm on M35 2,5 ton truck class=M35 2,5ton truck Bofors 40mm
Kit Combination Phoenix (M42 twin bofors turret on M35 truck)
M42 Duster class=M35 2,5ton truck M42 Duster
Kit Combination M45 Quadmount AA on M35 Nancy
M45 Quadmount AA on M35 Nancy class=M45 Quadmount M35 2,5ton truck
Kit Combination ZU-23-2 on M35 Truck
ZU-23-2 on M35 Truck class=ZU-23-2 M35 2,5ton truck

Comparable entries in this category

For this model there is not yet a picture available. Check-out the main page or the gallery for models with pictures.

Other model examples with pics

M35 2,5ton Truck
M35 2,5ton Truck
Bofors 40mm on M35 2,5 ton truck
Bofors 40mm on M35 2,5 ton truck
ZU-23-2 on M35 Truck
ZU-23-2 on M35 Truck
M35 Gun Truck Brutus, M45 Quadmount AA on M35 Nancy
M35 Gun Truck Brutus, M45 Quadmount AA on M35 Nancy

A list of used references is in More topics/Literature
Information from Wikipedia is not always listed explicitly.