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M45 Quadmount AA on M35 Nancy

M45 Quadmount AA on M35 Nancy
M45 Quadmount AA on M35 Nancy

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DBTypKit Combination
Base typeM45 Quadmount M35 2,5ton truck Parent category: Fla-Mg
Origin countryUnited States of America Parent category: North America
Operator countryUnited States of America Parent category: North America
TopicsArmoured Vehicle Truck anti-aircraft 6-wheel (Ground Equipment:) Vehicles
Parent category: Ground vehicle, Ground Equipment, drive-train, , ,
Aera of useafterwar
BaseVehicleGround Equipment
References M45 Quadmount, candidate:ein mittlerer US truck, candidate:M 35 Guntruck mit M45 Vierlings MG by Germania
Referenced by Type Definition GMC CCKW-353 M45 Quadmount similar type
> Same base or sthg. the like on M45 Quadmount ( Show/hide: [-])
Type Definition GMC CCKW-353 M45 Quadmount
GMC CCKW-353 M45 Quadmount class=GMC CCKW M45 Quadmount
Model M16 Halftrack AA
M16 Halftrack AA class=M3 Halftrack M45 Quadmount
Model M45 Quadmount
M45 Quadmount, M16 Halftrack AA, M3 Halftrack
Model TCM-20 Hatzerim
TCM-20 Hatzerim class=TCM-20 Hatzerim
Kit Combination TCM-20 Hatzerim on Halftrack
TCM-20 Hatzerim on Halftrack class=M3 Halftrack TCM-20 Hatzerim
Type Definition TCM-20 Hatzerim on BTR-152
TCM-20 Hatzerim on BTR-152 class=BTR-152 TCM-20 Hatzerim
Kit Combination M45 Quadmount AA on M548 Cargo truck "Swamp Fox"
M45 Quadmount AA on M548 Cargo truck "Swamp Fox" class=M45 Quadmount M548
Type Definition M45 Quadmount on Unimog
class=M45 Quadmount Unimog
Type Definition M45 Quadmount on Humvee
class=M45 Quadmount HMMWV
Type Definition M45 Quadmount on M-8 Greyhound
class=M45 Quadmount M8/M20
Kit Combination M113A2T1
M113A1 class=M45 Quadmount M113
Kit Combination M45 Quadmount AA on Diamond T980
M45 Quadmount AA on Diamond T980 class=M45 Quadmount Diamond T 980
Type Definition Zachlad TCM Mk.3
class=TCM-20 Hatzerim ZU-23-2 M3 Halftrack
Model XM-3E1 Prototype (VBC-AA)
M3A3 Partisan Flakvierling 20mm, XM-3E1 Prototype (VBC-AA) class=M3 Light Tank M45 Quadmount
Type Definition TCM-20 Hatzerim on Piranha I 6x6
class=Piranha I TCM-20 Hatzerim
> Same base or sthg. the like on M35 2,5ton truck ( Show/hide: [-])
Model M35 2,5ton Truck
M35 2,5ton Truck
Model M35 Gun Truck Brutus
M35 Gun Truck Brutus, M45 Quadmount AA on M35 Nancy
Model Vietnam Armoured truck markings
Vietnam Armoured truck markings
Kit Combination Bofors 40mm on M35 2,5 ton truck
Bofors 40mm on M35 2,5 ton truck class=M35 2,5ton truck Bofors 40mm
Kit Combination Phoenix (M42 twin bofors turret on M35 truck)
Phoenix (M42 twin bofors turret on M35 truck) class=M35 2,5ton truck M42 Duster
Model M35 2,5ton Truck
M35 2,5ton Truck
Kit Combination ZU-23-2 on M35 Truck
ZU-23-2 on M35 Truck class=ZU-23-2 M35 2,5ton truck

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M45 Quadmount AA on M35 Nancy

Further pictures by references/used decals...

M45 Quadmount, M16 Halftrack AA, M3 Halftrack

A list of used references is in More topics/Literature
Information from Wikipedia is not always listed explicitly.