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USS Newark C-1 1/700

USS Newark C-1
Box art USS Newark C-1

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Kit manufacturerOceanmoon
Origin countryUnited States of America Parent category: North America
Operator countryUnited States of America Parent category: North America
Furthermore referenced in country lists (as similar) as: GB (Leander class)
Build era0 (not yet built)
TopicsCruiser (Ship:) US Navy Pic Archive
(Ship:) Navies: To the list of all ship classes
Parent category: Ship
Aera of usetime(1891-1912)
Referenced itself or via the class in Apia Cyclone 16.3.1889, Samoa Crisis 1887-94 (only a similar ship) (... Fold out for more)[+]Chilean Civil War 1891 (only a similar ship) Spanish-American-War April-August 1898 American-Philippine-War Feb 1899-Jul 1902 Boxer Rebellion, 2.11.1899-7.9.1901 Venezuelan crisis, 9.12.1902-19.2.1903

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