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HMS Royal Sovereign 1805 1/700

  DBTyp  Model  
  Kit manufacturer  Meridian Trafalgar Range  (Meridian Trafalgar Range:) former mark of Skytrex, sold to Navy Models & Books
  Material  Resin Metall  
  Origin country  GB  Parent category: Europe
  Operator country  GB  Parent category: Europe
  Build era  0 (not yet built)   
  Topics  Battleship Sailing Ship  (Ship:) ,
(Ship:) Navies: To the list of all ship classes
(Sailing Ship:) see Rating System of Waships 18. Century
Parent category: Ship
  Aera of use  time(1805)  
  Scale  1/700  
  TextEN  HMS Royal Sovereign was launched in 1786 to a design by Sir John Williams as a 100 gun first rate. At the outbreak of war she joined the Channel fleet and was present on June 1st under the flag of Vice Admiral Graves where she was heavily engaged by the 110 gun Terrible and 120 gun Montagne, losing all three of her topgallant masts. In 1805, she was the flagship of Admiral Collingwood at Trafalgar and was the first British ship into action and fought alone for 15 minutes until the rest of her column arrived. 
  BaseVehicle  Ship  
Referenced itself or via the class in Battle of Trafalgar, 21.10.1805

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