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BT-5 w/ cyl Turret

BT-5 w/ cyl Turret
BT-5 w/ cyl Turret

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HerstellerlandSU Übergeordnete Kategorie: Asien, Europa
BetreiberlandSU Deutsch Für die Klasse: Afghanistan China Finnland Ungarn Mongolei Polen Spanien Übergeordnete Kategorie: Asien, Europa
ThemenPanzer (Bodengerät:) Fahrzeuge
Übergeordnete Kategorie: PzFzg, Fahrzeug, Bodengerät
BetriebsaeraInterwar Wk2
TextDETurrets for the new BT-5 tanks were simultaneously developed in two factories. The turret from the Mariupol factory was cylindrical, with a small ammo bin on the rear and one hatch on top. Only 230 turrets were built. For mass production of the BT-5 and also the T-26 model 1933, larger turrets made by the Izhorsky plant were adopted.
> Gleiche Basis, Schwesterschiffe etc. ( Anzeigen/verstecken: [-])
Modell BT-2
Modell BT-4 Doppelturm (Fake/Whatif)
BT-4 Doppelturm (Fake/Whatif)
Modell BT-5
BT-5, T-26 Mod. 1933
Modell BT-7 Armoured Personnel Carrier
BT-7 Armoured Personnel Carrier
Modell BT-42
Modell KBT-7
KBT-7 Command car
Modell RBT-5

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Box Art BT-5 w/ cyl Turret

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