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76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3

76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3
76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3

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Base typeZIS-3
Kit manufacturerZvezda
Origin countrySU Parent category: Asia, Europe
Operator countrySU For the class: Germany Finland North Korea Angola Tanzania Cambodia Nicaragua Namibia Sudan Mozambique Zimbabwe Parent category: Asia, Europe, Korea, Africa, Latin America, , , , , ,
TopicsArtillery (Ground Equipment:) Vehicles
Parent category: Gun, Ground Equipment
Caliber: 76.2 mm
Aera of usetime(1942-2020)
BaseVehicleGround Equipment
> Same base or sthg. the like ( Show/hide: [-])
Model 76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3
76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3
Type Definition 76,2mm ZIS-3 on STZ-5 Stalinets SPG
 in <a href="" target="_blank"></a> class=ZIS-3 STZ-5
Type Definition Toyota Technical w/ ZIS-3
class=ZIS-3 Toyota Land Cruiser Toyota Technical
Model SU-76M
SU-76M class=SU-76 ZIS-3
Kit Combination ZIS-3 on GAZ-66
ZIS-3 on GAZ-66 class=ZIS-3 GAZ-66

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76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3

76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3
76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3

76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3
76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3

76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3
Box art 76,2mm Div. Gun M1942 ZIS-3

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