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Drzki 1908 1/700

Drzki 1908
Drzki 1908

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  DBTyp  Model  
  Base type  Smeli class  
    Furthermore referenced in country lists as: (Turkey): Demirhisar class, (Bulgaria): Druzki class, (France): 295 class 
  Kit manufacturer  Shapeways Fpmodel  (Shapeways:)
  Material  3D-Print  
  Origin country  France  Parent category: Europe
  Operator country  Bulgaria SU For the class: Turkey similar For the class: France  Parent category: Europe, Asia
  Built  20.8.2020   
  Topics  Destroyer  (Destroyer:)
(Ship:) Data, sketch:
(Ship:) Navies: To the list of all ship classes
Parent category: Ship
  Aera of use  Pre1914 WWI Interwar WW2 afterwar  (WW2:) second world war
  Scale  1/700  
  BaseVehicle  Ship  
> Same base or sthg. the like ( Show/hide: [+])
Model Drzki 1908
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Referenced itself or via the class in 1.Balkan War 1912/13 Dardanelles / Gallipoli Campaign, 3.11.1914/19.2.1915-9.1.1916 Zeebrugge / Ostende Raid 23.4.1918 Black Sea 1941-1945

Comparable entries in this category

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Drzki 1908

Drzki 1908
Drzki 1908

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Drzki 1908

Drzki 1908, Hamidiye 1904, Nusret, SMS Weissenburg (1894) / türk. Torgud Reis
Drzki 1908, Hamidiye 1904, Nusret, SMS Weissenburg (1894) / türk. Torgud Reis

Drzki 1908, Nusret, SMS Weissenburg (1894) / türk. Torgud Reis, T151 Comet
Drzki 1908, Nusret, SMS Weissenburg (1894) / türk. Torgud Reis, T151 Comet

Drzki 1908
Content Drzki 1908

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