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Semovente Comando M41

Semovente Comando M41
Box Art Semovente Comando M41

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BasistypSemovente Comando M41
HerstellerlandItalien Übergeordnete Kategorie: Europa
BetreiberlandItalien Deutsch Übergeordnete Kategorie: Europa
Bauepoche0 (ungebaut)
ThemenPanzer (Bodengerät:) Fahrzeuge
Übergeordnete Kategorie: PzFzg, Fahrzeug, Bodengerät
TextDECited from ebay page by McKee Models:
The Carro Commando M41 was developed as a command tank for Semovente units. Like the Semovente 75/18 it was based on the M13/40 chassis. Initial versions had twin machine guns but these were later replaced with a hull mounted 13.2mm Breda 31 heavy machine gun. The tank had four outward hatches with additional command equipment inside including two radios.

Four Carro Commando were allocated to each Semovente batallion with one commanding each battery and two in batallion command.

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