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Dornier Do X 1/700

Dornier Do X 1/700, Blohm & Voss Bv139 V3 Nordstern  Lufthansa 1/700
Do X 1/700, Bv139 V3 Nordstern Lufthansa 1/700

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Kit manufacturerShapeways Classic Airships (Shapeways:)
A/c manufacturerDornier
Origin countryGermany (Germany:) List of RLM designations
Parent category: Europe
Operator countryGermany Parent category: Europe
Topicsflying boat passenger plane Parent category: seaplane, Aircraft, civil use
Aera of useInterwar (Interwar:) Era between the world wars. Website with models about the Golden Age:

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Dornier Do X 1/700, Blohm & Voss Bv139 V3 Nordstern  Lufthansa 1/700
Do X 1/700, Bv139 V3 Nordstern Lufthansa 1/700

Dornier Do X 1/700
Do X 1/700

Dornier Do X 1/700
Content Do X 1/700

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