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Koreya 1905 1/700

Koreya 1905
Koreya 1905

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  DBTyp  Model  
  Kit manufacturer  Fairy Kikaku  
  Material  Resin  
  Origin country  Germany  Parent category: Europe
  Operator country  SU  Parent category: Asia, Europe
  Built  5.1.2017   
  Topics  Ship  (Ship:) Navies: To the list of all ship classes
  Aera of use  Pre1914  
  Scale  1/700  
  TextEN  Built by German Flensburger Schiffbaugesellschaft 1899. 6163 BRT, 130,45 m length. From 15.10.1904 ammunition transport of the 2nd Pacific Division of Russia. Escaped in the battle of Tsushima, interned in Shanghai 30.5.1905. Later 1905 returned. Sunk 1.3.1910 in Northern Atlantic.
For drawings and data see Bernhard Gromm: Die russischen Kriegsschiffe 1856-1917, Band VIII: Transporter, Seite 53-55, Wiesbaden 1998(188) 
  BaseVehicle  Ship  
Referenced itself or via the class in Russ.Jap.War: Battle of Tsushima, 27./28.5.1905

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(188) Bernhard Gromm: Die russischen Kriegsschiffe 1856-1917, Band VIII: Transporter, Seite 53-55, Wiesbaden 1998

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