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HMS Widnes 1917 (UJ 2109 in 1943)

HMS Widnes 1917 (UJ 2109 in 1943)
HMS Widnes 1917 (UJ 2109 in 1943)

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Base typeHunt MS sloops
Furthermore referenced in country lists as: (Australia): Hunt MS class, (Spain): Hunt MS Sloop, Hunt MS class, (Thailand): Hunt MS sloop, (Germany): submarine hunter, (GB): Hunt MS class
Kit manufacturerNavis (Navis:)
Origin countryGB Parent category: Europe
Operator countryFor the class: GB Australia Germany Thailand Spain Parent category: Europe, Ozeanien, Asia,
TopicsMinesweeper Destroyer (Ship:) ,
(Ship:) Navies: To the list of all ship classes
Parent category: Ship
Aera of usetime(1919-1943)
> Same base or sthg. the like ( Show/hide: [+])
Model HMS Aberdare 1917
HMS Aberdare 1917
Model HMS Sutton J78 1939
HMS Sutton J78 1939
Type Definition Chao Phraya ex HMS Havant
HMS Sutton J78 1939
Type Definition Virgen de la Caridad
HMS Sutton J78 1939
Referenced itself or via the class in Sinking of HMS Terror off Derna/Tobruk 24.2.1940 (... Fold out for more)[+]Operation Dynamo, Dunkirk 26.5.-4.6.1940 Red Sea, Convoy BN.7 21.10.1940 Battle for Crete 14.-31.5.1941 Dieppe Raid, 19.8.1942 Capture of BYMS-72 11.11.1943

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