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US-Tug V2-ME-A1 1/700

US-Tug V2-ME-A1
Box art US-Tug V2-ME-A1

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  DBTyp  Model  
  Base type  US-Tug V2-ME-A1 class  
  Kit manufacturer  HP Models  (HP Models:) ex
  Material  Resin  
  Origin country  United States of America  Parent category: North America
  Operator country  United States of America  Parent category: North America
  Build era  0 (not yet built)   
  Topics  Ship  (Ship:)
(Ship:) US Navy Pic Archive
(Ship:) Navies: To the list of all ship classes
  Aera of use  WW2 afterwar  (WW2:) second world war
  Scale  1/700  
  BaseVehicle  Ship  
> Same base or sthg. the like on US-Tug ( Show/hide: [+])
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USCG Tamaroa WHEC-166  class=Navajo class US-Tug
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US-Tug Westcoast 
Referenced itself or via the class in Arctic Raids 1941 (... Fold out for more)[+]Guadalcanal campaign: Henderson Field 23-26.10.1942 Operation Torch, 8.-12.11.1942 Guadalcanal campaign: Operation Ke, Evacuation Guadalcanal 14.1.-8.2.1943, Battle of Rennell Island 29.,30.1.43 Operation Avalanche, Salerno Landings 9.-16.9.1943 Operation Shingle: Anzio, Nettuno 22.1.-25.5.1944 Operation Neptune, 6.6.1944 Operation Anvil-Dragoon, France, 15.8.-14.9.1944 Leyte Gulf 23.10-21.12.1944 (Palawan, Sibuyan, Surigao, Samar, Cape Engano, Ormoc Bay) Battle of Okinawa, 26.3.-2.7.1945 Borneo Campaign, Operation Oboe 1.5.1945-30.8.1945 Korea War 1950-1953 Navy Recovery Ships Mercury/Gemini/Apollo/Skylab/Soyuz 1961-75 Cuba Crisis, 14.-28.10.1962 Falklands War/Guerra de las Malvinas, 2.4.-20.6.1982

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