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HMS Mars 1897
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Base typeMajestic class
Furthermore referenced in country lists (as similar) as: (GB): Formidable class, London class, (Japan): Asahi class
Kit manufacturerSSModel
Origin countryGB Parent category: Europe
Operator countryGB For the class: similar Asahi Japan Parent category: Europe, Asia
Build era0 (not yet built)
TopicsBattleship (Ship:) ,
(Ship:) Navies: To the list of all ship classes
Parent category: Ship
Aera of usePre1914 WWI
Referenced itself or via the class in Greco-Turkish War 18.4.-20.5.1897 (... Fold out for more)[+]Russ.Jap.War: Battle of Port Arthur 8./9.2.1904 (only a similar ship) Russ.Jap.War: Battle in the Yellow Sea 10.8.1904 (only a similar ship) Channel Cover of the BEF Expeditionary Force, August 1914 British Bombardment Westende/Lombartzyde 28.10.1914 (only a similar ship) British Bombardments Zeebrugge 1914 Dardanelles / Gallipoli Campaign, 3.11.1914/19.2.1915-9.1.1916 Japanese intervention in Siberia 12.1.1918-June 1922 (only a similar ship)

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HMS Mars 1897
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HMS Mars 1897
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