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SMG Sirena class of classe 600 1/700

SMG Squalo class, SMG Sirena class of classe 600
Content SMG Sirena class of classe 600, SMG Squalo class

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Base typeSirena class Ital classe 600
Furthermore referenced in country lists as: (Italy): Argonauta class (as similar), Perla class (as similar), (Greece): Perla class, (GB): P712 ex-Italian Sirena class
Kit manufacturerDelphis
Origin countryItaly Parent category: Europe
Operator countryItaly For the class: GB Greece Parent category: Europe
Build era0 (not yet built)
TopicsSubmarine (Ship:)
(Ship:) ,
(Ship:) Navies: To the list of all ship classes
Parent category: Ship
Aera of useInterwar WW2 (WW2:) second world war
Referenced itself or via the class in Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 (only a similar ship) (... Fold out for more)[+]Malta Konvois 1940-1942 (only a similar ship) BETASOM 8.1940-9.1943 (only a similar ship) Battle of Tarent, Battle of the Strait of Otranto 11./12.11.1940 Battle for Crete 14.-31.5.1941 Sinking HMS Ark Royal 12./13.11.1941 (only a similar ship) 2. Battle in the Sirte 22.3.1942 Operation Harpoon, Vigorous 12.-16.6.1942

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