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Chance-Vought F7U Cutlass

  DBTyp  Model  
  Kit manufacturer  Fujimi  
  Material  plastic  
  A/c manufacturer  Chance-Vought  
  Origin country  United States of America  (United States of America:) List of US designations
Parent category: North America
  Operator country  United States of America  Parent category: North America
  Build era  0 (not yet built)   
  Topics  carrier plane fighter  Parent category: seaplane, Aircraft
  Aera of use  afterwar  
  Scale  1/72  
  TextEN  The Vought F7U Cutlass was a jet-powered fighter of US Navy from the beginnings of the cold war. Those Cutlass was Voughts entering a naval hunter competition of the 1.Juni 1945. The earlier Messerschmitt senior designer Waldemar Voigt brought its experiences in the tailless aircraft design from the projects ME P1110, ME P.1111 and ME P.1112. In the year 1946 the Navy ordered three prototypes. On 29 September 1948 the first machine completed its maiden flight. Vought received the construction contract for 14 F7U-1, which corresponded to the prototypes, as well as for the F7U-2 (because of engine problems never one built) and the F7U-3, which were built as final version in 180 copies. 98 machines of it were equipped as F7U-3M to the employment of AIM-7 Sparrow air air rockets. Few units used the type of 1954 till 1957. It suffered many problems, i.e. with the engines.
Similarities with some Arado drafts are remarkable, however the designers answered, there was no influence by German designs.(485)(486) 
  BaseVehicle  Aircraft  

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