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Bücker Bü181 Panzerbücker

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Base typeBü181
Kit manufacturerAZmodel (AZmodel:) Website
A/c manufacturerBücker
Origin countryGermany (Germany:) List of RLM designations
Parent category: Europe
Operator countryGermany Parent category: Europe
Build era0 (not yet built)
Topicsattack aircraft (attack aircraft:) ground-attack aircraft
Parent category: bomber, Aircraft
Aera of useInterwar WW2 (Interwar:) Era between the world wars. Website with models about the Golden Age:
(WW2:) second world war
> Same base or sthg. the like ( Show/hide: [+])
Model Bü181 Bestmann
Model Bü181 Bestmann
Bücker Bü181 Bestmann
Model Bü181 Bestmann unter fremden Flaggen

Comparable entries in this category

For this model there is not yet a picture available. Check-out the main page or the gallery for models with pictures.

Other model examples with pics

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A list of used references is in More topics/Literature
Information from Wikipedia is not always listed explicitly.