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UH-1B Seawolf Gunship BaseVehicle: Flugzeug , Gebaut: 13.10.2016 , Betreiberland: USA , Hersteller: Bell , Herstellerland: USA , Material: 3D-Print , Kithersteller: Kokoda Trail Models Shapeways , Scale: 1/700 , Themen: Hubschrauber , Betriebsaera: Afterwar , DBTyp: Modell
Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS Vietnam ATC(H) Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS Vietnam ATC(H), USS Vietnam ATC Tango Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS Vietnam ATC(H) Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS Vietnam ASPB Alpha Boat, USS Vietnam ATC Monitor, USS Vietnam ATC Tango, USS Vietnam ATC Zippo Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS LST-821 / AGP-821 Harnett County Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS LST-821 / AGP-821 Harnett County Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS LST-821 / AGP-821 Harnett County, USS Vietnam ASPB Alpha Boat Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS LST-821 / AGP-821 Harnett County Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS LST-821 / AGP-821 Harnett County Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS LST-821 / AGP-821 Harnett County Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS LST-821 / AGP-821 Harnett County, USS Vietnam ATC(H) Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS LST-821 / AGP-821 Harnett County, USS Vietnam ASPB Alpha Boat Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS LST-821 / AGP-821 Harnett County, USS Vietnam ASPB Alpha Boat Boeing-Vertol CH-47D Chinook 1/700, Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship, USS LST-821 / AGP-821 Harnett County, USS Vietnam ASPB Alpha Boat, USS Vietnam ATC(H), USS Vietnam ATC Monitor, USS Vietnam ATC Tango, USS Vietnam ATC Zippo, USS Vietnam PCF I Swift Boat Bell UH-1B Seawolf Gunship

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